Putting progressive values to work.

  • 1:1 Coaching for Individuals

    Gain a partner to strategically navigate challenges as a progressive leader.

  • Support for Organizations

    Drive success with tailored support that centers equity, wellbeing, and your mission.

  • Overview of Juno Services

    A quick rundown of the ways Juno can support you and your organization.

Meet Tiffany, founder and owner

Proven expertise, geared toward your needs

Gain a unique approach

My 10+ years as an organizational growth expert mean I’ve fine-tuned an approach that centers the unique needs of progressive organizations and is built on equity and wellbeing.

Learn about what I have to offer

Target core issues

My passion is helping people and organizations get to the root of their needs. I’m here to help you create true, effective solutions that align with your specific values, culture, and business realities.

Schedule a free consultation

Collaborating to make services accessible to you

Historically, professional development and organizational consulting have been out of reach for most organizations and individuals.

I feel strongly that the types of services I provide should be open and accessible – especially to those who are addressing inequities and advancing social justice through their work.

That’s why I provide services on a sliding scale. I’m always willing to get creative to identify what support I can provide within your budget.